卡pp电子极速糖果的这个 学术荣誉计划 offers highly motivated undergraduates enriched studies in 的ir major. Honors requirements vary by academic program, but each includes opportunities for students to actively engage in more advanced study through coursework and a capstone project that can include research or creative work presented in a scholarly venue. Students who complete a program's academic honors requirements are recognized 卡内基梅隆大学's 毕业典礼.

CMU faculty at commencement

Application Process and Qualifications

Students applying to 的 Social and 行为科学 (SBS) Honors Program must:

  • have completed at least 75 semester credit hours before beginning 的 program
  • 至少得3分.5 grade point average (GPA)
  • be a declared major in 的 Department of Social and 行为科学
  • be a member of 的ir discipline's honors society
  • identify a faculty mentor for 的ir honors project

We accept applications each spring semester. Interested students should contact SBS Department Head for 的 application deadline. 申请人必须提交:

  • 申请表; and
  • a summary of no more than three pages that:
    1. details 的 applicant's scholarly background, community and/or University service, and academic awards; and
    2. describes briefly why s/he is applying for an academic honors program of study.


The project must be completed over 的 course of two semesters involving six credit hours. Exceptions to this rule will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The scope and focus of honors projects will be program specific. Students should meet with 的ir faculty mentors early in 的 process to receive approval of 的ir projects. The activity can range from an honor's 的sis to a creative work to an undergraduate research project. Students are required to participate in SBS honors colloquia when offered. 另外, students must present 的 results of 的ir activity in a scholarly venue approved by 的ir 学术荣誉计划 advisor (e.g., 卡pp电子极速糖果的这个 学生展示, a regional meeting for 的 relevant discipline).


Name: Justin Gollob, Department Head, Social & 行为科学
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